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Kids & Teens
1. Teens and Suicide
    Suicide is Forever Every 100 minutes another teenager will commit suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages of 14 to 25 in the United States. The following statistics were taken from a recent survey of college and high school students by the CDC: * Twenty-seven percent of high school students said they had "thought seriously" .....
Author: Amy Otis
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

2. "No" Really Does Mean "No!"
  I was in the grocery store last week and within the course of the 30 minutes that it took me to find the four items that I needed and check through the express lane, I experienced 4 children with four different families whaling uncontrollably. I wanted to say something to all of them but the moment was too stressful for all of them so I decided to wait until another time that w .....
Author: Kimberly D. King
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

3. Physical And Sexual Abuse Amongst Children And Teenagers
    Let me introduce you to ‘She’. She is an average person, resident of a cosmopolitan city. As a nine year old, always bubbling with energy and when she walks into her teens, She is like any other teenager-enthusiastic and full of life. As a young 30-something woman, She is ambitious and working her way up to touch the echelons of glory. She is pretty, attractive and inte .....
Author: Joylita Saldanha
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

4. Keeping Kids Active This Summer
  Experts say that kids need 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day. With childhood obesity on the rise, It's even more important to keep kids interested in sports. Keeping these tips in mind could help your children enjoy activity even more. Let them lead the way. Kids stay active when it’s fun for them, so try to keep it that way. Don’t force them to do any activit .....
Author: Vanessa Pruitt
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

5. Playgrounds Bring Joy to Children
    Kids by nature are hyper... With their view of innocence, children are fond of exploring things but they usually do it through playing. Sometimes they tend to perceive even the most important things simply as a game. You cannot blame them because once in your life you were also a child like them. During summer time, rather than spending hours inside their rooms, child .....
Author: Khieng Chho
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

6. When A Child Runs Away
    What do you do when a child shuts down? What do you do when you cannot communicate with a child, when a child seems to have lost their emotions, their sense of conscience? What do you do when a child runs away? It is probably too late to do anything. Well, it's never too late, but the chasm has widened to great proportions. One can only hope that they come back and .....
Author: Luella May
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

7. A.D.H.D. Linked to Diet in Kids
  A revolution has turned around Central Alternative High School in Appleton, Wisconsin, and its ‘problem kids’. Respect, achievement, and discipline prevail where once kids packed weapons, took drugs, and exhibited “terrible rudeness.” Before 1997 the teens, sent there from twelve area schools, ingested a slurry of behavior-altering chemicals that left them irritable, fidgety, .....
Author: Geri Weis-Corbley
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

8. I Don't Even Know Your Last Name, but Let's Hook Up! : Teen Relationships
  The times are changing. I have come to the conclusion that old fashioned dating is a thing of the past; today’s youth have turned to casual and random “hook ups.” Teens are in such a hurry to grow up. As the mother of a teen daughter, I have seen this first hand and it is frightening. Parents want the best for their children, but how do we protect them from the unhealthy conse .....
Author: Rose DesRochers
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

9. Dealing With Bullies
    Many children have problems with bullies. They take many forms. There are bullies who use their physical presence to intimidate. There are bullies who use their words to intimidate. Either way, we as parents want to protect our children from bullies. What causes bullies: By and large, bullies are children who lack self esteem and suffer from insecurity. They get their .....
Author: George Stillwell
Date Posted: June 30, 2006

10. SMS Gaming
  Using the Physical World as Your Game Board. This is not a Kinky game! SMS stands for Short Message Service. Just like our last article, this can be fun for teens and adults. You just have to do it on a different scale. Pick a location approximately 4 square city blocks of a favorite area where your teen group or friends like to be. Spend an afternoon picking locations fr .....
Author: Robert Lett
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

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