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1. Exercise Can Reduce Risks Of Diabetes
  The 2 types of diabetes are type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no insulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to inject insulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels. Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to control gluco .....
Author: Simon Harris
Date Posted: Aug 29, 2005

2. 10 Things To Know BEFORE Hiring A Freelance Programmer
  To avoid the same mistakes I see marketers making over and over again, there are a few things you need to know before you hire that eLance, Scriptlance, or RentACoder software developer. Law 1: Your software needs to be created in small steps. It's more expensive that way, but at least you can get your version 1.0 out with the basic features. Once you have that base jus .....
Author: Robert Plank
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

3. Corporate Branding – Don’t Forget Your CDs!
  Companies have been branding their collateral materials such as letterhead, envelopes, business cards, etc. for years. In fact, we often identify a company by its familiar logo or special color scheme. Branding works!! At the same time, many companies send customers and vendors large files, proposals and presentations on CD-Rs. Since CD-Rs have become the “new and more efficien .....
Author: Adam Platzer
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

4. Marketing, Lead Generation, and Research: A 3-in-1 Solution.
  I Hate Cold Calls Long before I started my business, I realized that I wasn't good at telephone sales and that I would need to generate leads in another way. I developed a sure-fire way to generate those leads, interest in me, and my business, through the use of telephone market research. There are many benefits of doing market research including the ability to learn mo .....
Author: Jay Gilmore
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

5. Ask for the Business
  3 Ways To Overcome pricing Challenges How many times have you had a customer say to you; I’ve been shopping around and XYZ mortgage company can get me a better rate and won’t charge me any points. Well . . . The lower rate might hold some truth to it But lets face it . . . Nobody works for free! Here are three things you can do too win your customer over when faced .....
Author: Jay Conners
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

6. Promotional Software An Effective Online Advertising Scheme
  Advertising or promotion does not only involve offline schemes in fact more and more web owners are thinking of ways on how to maximize the advertising capabilities of their web sites. And most of them have started off by offering downloadable promotional software. Have any of you ever encountered a web site that has free downloadable software? Just how many times did you try t .....
Author: Jinky C. Mesias
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

7. Create A Difference With Advertising Promotional Products
  There are so many business offering the same products and services, if you are new in the business industry and would like to join in the game you ought to know how to play to ensure that your business would stand out from among the crowds of competitors. A business requires advertising in order to make its presence felt in the community. However, not all promotional endeavors .....
Author: Jinky C. Mesias
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

8. Using The Online Press Release Link Building Strategy
  If you market any type of product or service, your online marketing strategy should include the distribution of online press releases. They are fairly easy to write and can potentially get you lot’s of media publicity which, in most cases, will increase your sales revenue. But distributing press releases is also an excellent link building strategy. Firstly, write a simple p .....
Author: John Taylor
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

9. Publishing Great Content To Boost Your Link Popularity
  Before we get started, there's a couple of things that I ought to point out... 1. You really should have a fairly good knowledge of your subject material and enough time to write high quality articles. Alternatively you should be able to invest at least $40 per month to pay someone else to research and ghostwrite some articles for you. 2. You will also need to have suff .....
Author: John Taylor
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

10. The Importance Of A Marketing Plan
  There aren’t many things in life that you would get into with out a plan. Marketing is no different. Your overall marketing plan should cover about a six month period, and should be made up of weekly and monthly marketing schedules. This is how you do it: 1. Figure out how much money is in your budget. As we all know, marketing of any kind costs money. How much money you .....
Author: Joy Gendusa
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2005

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