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1. Short Trips Can Stimulate Alzheimer's Patients
  Severe degradation of short-term memory means that my father, an Alzheimer's elder, is seldom interested in movies or books. And, although music used to be a source of enjoyment, he no longer listens with pleasure. Left to his own devices, he sits. . .and sits. . .and sits unless he's sleeping. What to do? We've found that visually stimulating events often perk our .....
Author: Phyllis Staff, Ph.D.
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2005

2. How to Know if Direct Mail Will Work for Your Business
  Here's a great lesson that applies to direct mail. Ready? Some people say one thing and do the opposite. In other words ... One shouldn’t pay attention to what people say they’ll do as much as what they actually DO. For example, it seems most readers of the National Enquirer don’t want to admit they read it. Just ask people, “You read that tabloid stuff?” "No way! Not m .....
Author: Joe Farinaccio
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

3. How Do People Know You're in Business?
  One of the most important things to do now that you’ve started a business is to TELL THE WORLD! But HOW? It can be very expensive and time consuming if not done properly. Here's some inexpensive publicity and marketing ideas to help you get recognition for your new venture. You've picked a great name for your company, made a list of your potential clients, incorporated .....
Author: Wendy McClelland
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

4. Do Your Business Cards Say Who You REALLY Are?
  Here are a couple of tips for creating an eye catching card: Use some color - not too much - just enough to grab someone's attention and make them want to read the card. Use a font that's easy to read Don't fill the whole card with type - it looks crowded and people don't read it all Consider using a fold-over card - I have found these to be extremely effecti .....
Author: Wendy McClelland
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

5. Advertise Where It's Forbidden To
  The most common way to drive people to your business site is advertising. You cannot succeed without advertising, this is a fact. You should advertise almost everytime and almost everywhere using a very pleasant, smart and persuasive manner if you want to accomplish your final target: Making Sales But what to do when clear and noisy advertising is not allowed (e.g discussion li .....
Author: Valerian D.
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

6. Why Hire an Advertising/Marketing Consultant?
  As a business owner, you have the option of taking several different approaches to handling your Marketing and Advertising. You may choose to handle the responsibility yourself, with the idea that no one understands your business quite the way you do.. You may also consider hiring a full time marketing manager or even assigning the tasks, as they arise, to someone already worki .....
Author: Mary Ellen Martelli
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

7. Bad Seduction - Advertising Techniques That Don't Work
  I just read some advertising suggestions on an Internet marketing site that are beyond annoying. They are flat-out bad advice. They illustrate a complete lack of understanding of the whole persuasion process. First, small business owners are told that advertising often has a cumulative effect, so ad-driven sales may not be immediate. Then, they’re told how to measure and track .....
Author: Chuck McKay
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

8. Using The Popularity of Celebrities and Currrent Events to Promote Your Business
  In this article, we want to explore the idea of using the popularity of celebrities and current event (news) topics to help market any internet business. The Idea Celebrities and news events are not only popular topics, they are also popular "keywords" in the major search engines. Thousands upon thousands of users everyday search the engines to find the latest info. The idea .....
Author: Rony Perry
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

9. Advertising - Does it Matter?
  When advertising, you need to sell your opportunity, your products and yourself. What sets you apart from everyone else? Maybe you produce a newsletter with a specific content where there is a demand from a particular group of people, or you promote your own special product that no one have not yet seen. That's a huge benefit! That's what you need to sell in your ad ca .....
Author: Andy Lee
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

10. How To Tell If An Advertisement Costs Too Much
  People say it all the time: "This advertising costs too much!" They practically go into cardiac arrest when they see how much the advertising for certain media in certain markets is going to cost them. It is pretty easy to get sticker shock when you see that a sixty-second radio commercial on a popular Los Angeles station could cost you a thousand bucks. Each. Or when you reali .....
Author: Rich Harshaw
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2005

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